Season 1,

Ep 6: The S-Word

July 06, 2017

This week’s chat has been in the making since, well since Mike and Maya first met. It’s a hot topic in their household because they both are on opposite sides of this word. Join them as they discuss the pros and cons of discussing the S-word in their relationship, review what relationship stage they are in based on the S-word, and share their most embarrassing S-word story.

Pros and Cons of the S-Word

We look at a couple of articles that explored the positive impact discussing poop can have in a relationship, as well as the not so rosy side of things.

Oh, and we mentioned a poop chart during the episode. Unfortunately, we can’t find a picture of it but we did confirm it was made in the last 10 years… so yeah, this is a tool to help adults with their regularity 😀 😀 😀

Relationship Stages Defined by the S-Word

We found this article online by Bijan Samereh about the various relationship stages as defined by poop. You guys! It’s actually sort of accurate!!  Join us in the episode as we discuss where we are in our relationship, according to poop.  We would love to hear if this resonates for you too!

Ok, so the stages. You:

  1. Don’t talk about poop
  2. Acknowledge that poop exists
  3. Acknowledge that each other poops
  4. Poop around each other
  5. Talk to each other while pooping
  6. Poop with the door open
  7. Have pooped in each other childhood’s homes
  8. Share a toilet
  9. Poop out a baby (an actual baby, not a giant poop)
  10. Keep things interesting with weird poop sex stuff
  11. Are there for their last poop

Our Most Embarrassing S-Word Stories

Ha! You think we’d put that in writing? Nope. Check out the episode if you want those goods 😉 (And trust, there are a few doozies in there.)

Question of the Day

We shared! Now time for you to share… what’s your most embarrassing poop story? Let us know in the comments below or send us a voice recording at

Quote of the day

Eat like a bird, poop like an elephant ~ Guy Kawasaki

UPDATE:  (and spoiler) – We got into a bit of a debate about what our quote of the day means… and guess what? We were both wrong. Thanks to our IG fam, we learned what the intended meaning of the quote is. It’s actually a business and communications related quote! Check our our Instagram to see the discussion. (Thanks, Becca!)

Want to hear more?

If you enjoyed this episode and want to hear more, have no fear!  We have more episodes! Check them out here. Enjoy!

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