Season 1,

Ep 1: Weighing in on the Boston Marathon

April 20, 2017

Welcome to the first episode of our podcast! We are excited to start this journey with y’all. During each episode, we will cover a current event or something pop-culture-y and something relationship-y. Sometimes the two will be related (or we try to stretch them into linking together!), and other times, they won’t 🙂  However,  what we do want to happen each time is that we hit on something that resonates with you! We would love to hear your experience, stories, advice – all of it!

Today’s episode

Alright, so let’s get into our inaugural episode! Tonight we are chatting about the Boston Marathon and our own attempts at being healthy and what that means (or “shows up”) in a relationship. The Boston Marathon has always held a special place in Maya’s heart – living in Boston for almost 20 years will do that to ya! And, of course, talking and reminiscing about the Marathon led us to reflect on our own healthy habits (or, lack thereof)… enter Weight Watchers! We recently joined Weight Watchers so we could start to lose some of the love pounds that have creeped up on us over the last four years and, we gotta say, so far so good!

Question of the day

You’ll have to listen to the podcast for the details!  We won’t spoil the episode for you, but we do ask a question at the end of each podcast so we can hear and learn from you.

So, today’s question is: how do you manage eating healthy in a relationship?

Share your response in the comments below or send us a voice recording (you can email those to – we can’t wait to hear from you!

Want to hear more?

If you enjoyed this episode and want to hear more, have no fear!  We have more episodes! Check them out here. Enjoy!

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